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Wanted Merlin Blencowes Book
Designing Power Supplies for Valve Amplifiers.
Merlin posted that he discontinued the book partially because of some errors in it. A lot of the info from the books is on his website. Not to sound like a broken record but pretty much anything you could want to know on that subject can be found in the TUT books or in Principles of Power.
(07-17-2021, 05:23 PM)makinrose Wrote: Merlin posted that he discontinued the book partially because of some errors in it.  A lot of the info from the books is on his website.  Not to sound like a broken record but pretty much anything you could want to know on that subject can be found in the TUT books or in Principles of Power.
OK thanks.

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A warm welcome to tube amp modding fans and those interested in hi-fi audio! Readers of Kevin O'Connor's The Ultimate Tone (TUT) book series form a part of our population. Kevin O'Connor is the creator of the popular Power Scaling methodology for amplifiers.
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